This article explains the details how Tezos wallets originate (= deploy) smart contracts, without using any wallet, with a working OCaml code!
To read the code you have to be familar with OCaml.
The whole code is available at
We can access Tezos nodes via RPC and they talk in JSON over HTTP. Don’t confuse it with JSON-RPC.
Here is a small module Json
to handle JSON data.
It is based on Data_encoding.
Tezos protocol provides lots of t Data_encoding.t
to encode its data to+from
JSON and binary and we use them in this example.
For simplicity, there is no error handling:
module Json : sig
type t
(** construction *)
val obj : (string * t) list -> t
val array : t list -> t
val string : string -> t
val z : Z.t -> t
(** parsing *)
val parse : string -> t
(** accessors *)
val get_field_exn : t -> string -> t
(** alias of [get_field_exn] *)
val (.%{}) : t -> string -> t
val get_string_exn : t -> string
val get_z_exn : t -> Z.t
val get_array_exn : t -> t list
(** printers *)
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val to_string : t -> string
(** construction using [Data_encoding] *)
val construct : 'a Data_encoding.t -> 'a -> t
For HTTP, we use Cohttp.
It provides nice Lwt-based asynchronization,
but here we are not interested in it and use them synchronous.
Since we only use JSON in the communication with Tezo nodes, I made RPC
to get+post JSON data from+to the nodes:
module RPC : sig
(** Tezos node to communicate *)
val node : string
val get : string -> Json.t
val post : string -> data:Json.t -> Json.t
Tezos has multiple networks. In this example, NEVER use Mainnet whose tokens have financial values. Use one of the testnets, such as ghostnet.
Tezos node
We need a Tezos node to inject the operation.
Start your own testnet node or use one of public nodes, then set RPC.node
its URL string.
There are lists of public nodes such as
Protocol library
To construct the operation for the contract origination, we need a Tezos protocol library. Tezos regularly upgrades its protocol and there are 18 protocols(!) as of this writing, therefore there are 18 versions of protocol libraries.
The most appropriate one we should use is the one currently used in the node.
For example, for protocol Mumbai, the best protocol library is
. For the basic operations like the contract
origination, however, the latest development version of the protocol library
is almost likely compatible. So, let’s use its protocol code:
open Tezos_protocol_alpha.Protocol
Keys, the account, and signatures
We are going to build an operation to originate a smart contract by an account. For this, we need:
- The private key of the account
- Some budget in the account
- The public key revealed on the chain
Signature module
Elliptic curve cryptography signature algorithms are defined in
and we use it a lot. Let’s define an alias:
module Signature = Tezos_crypto.Signature
Secret key
In this example we use the following secret key:
let secret_key_b58check =
Do NOT use your own secret key which carries some Tezzies in Mainnet. Feel free to use the above key: it’s Mainnet balance is 0, unless someone stupid sends her tokens to it.
The keys and hashes in Tezos are Base58Check encoded: it encodes data with a prefix text for easier identification.
For example, the Base58Check encoding of Tezos ED25519 secret keys always start with edsk
. This prefix texts prevent you from revealing your secret key, thinking it is a public key.1
It also integrates a check-sum in it.
We get secret_key
from its Base58Check encoding:
let secret_key : Signature.Secret_key.t =
Signature.Secret_key.of_b58check_exn secret_key_b58check
Public key
The public key is derivable from the secret key:
let public_key : Signature.Public_key.t =
Signature.Secret_key.to_public_key secret_key
Public key hash aka address
The public key hash is the hash of the public key. It is also known
as the account address. Its Base58Check encoding has tz1
prefix (if it is an ED25519 key pair), which is familar with Tezos users:
(* The address is the hash of public key *)
let public_key_hash : Signature.Public_key_hash.t =
Signature.Public_key.hash public_key
(* tz1WfwVfEDaVVnRu1TDGd4VqKRJiLsZA9nCS *)
let () =
Format.eprintf "public_key_hash: %a@."
Signature.Public_key_hash.pp public_key_hash
Budget for origination
Accounts must have some balance for the smart contract origination, since it is not free operation. In Tezos test nets there are several web services to distribute free tokens such as
Revealing the public key
To perform any operation, an account must reveal its public key (also known as the manager key in Tezos) to the blockchain beforehand. Otherwise the blockchain could not verify the operations’ signature using the public key. In this example, we assume the account’s public key is already revealed.
Of course, we could make a reveal operation and inject it to the node just like we do here for the origination.
Michelson smart contract
Tezos smart contracts are written in Michelson. To deploy a smart contract we need to parse Michelson expressions for the code and the initial storage and obtain Script_repr.lazy_expr
The syntax of Michelson and its syntax tree is called Micheline and it is defined in Tezos_micheline
library. The opcodes of Michelson are protocol-specific and therefore defined in Tezos_proto_alpha.Protocol.Michelson_v1_primitives
. By combining them we here define a parsing function of Michelson expressions:
module Michelson : sig
val parse_lazy_expr : string -> Script_repr.lazy_expr
We use the following code and initial storage. For the origination operation itself, you do not need to understand them:
- Code
parameter unit; storage int; code { CDR; PUSH int 1; ADD; NIL operation; PAIR; };
- Initial storage
The both strings are parsed to Script_repr.lazy_expr
let code = Michelson.parse_lazy_expr code
let storage = Michelson.parse_lazy_expr storage
We combine the code and storage to make script : Script_repr.t
let script : Script_repr.t = { code; storage }
Next steps
Now we have all the required information for the smart contract origination:
- Keys: the secret key, the revealed public key, and the public key hash
- Some budget to perform an operation
- Smart contract code and its initial storage value
The remaining things are:
- Build an operation data
- Ask the node to simulate it and retrieve the cost estimations and the address of the originated contract address
- Update the gas and storage limits from the estimated costs
- Finally, inject the operation
- Wait and see the operation included into a block
Build an operation
Here the goal is to make a value of type _ Operation_repr.contents_list
We start from making the manager operation of the contract origination:
let operation : _ Operation_repr.manager_operation =
Origination {
- We are not interested to delegate the balance of the smart contract
to a PoS delegater. Therefore,
:let delegate : Signature.Public_key_hash.t option = None
- This is the code and stroage of the smart contract. We have defined
above. credit
- The initial amount of the balance of the smart contract. This amount
of tokens will be transferred from the account which deploys the contract.
This time, 0 tez:
let credit : Tez_repr.t = from_Some @@ Tez_repr.of_mutez 0L
Then we make a value of Operation_repr.contents
. We need to fill
5 more fields in addition to the operation
defined above:
let contents : _ Operation_repr.contents =
Manager_operation {
- Source is the public key hash of the account deploying the contract.
Here it is
:(* tz1WfwVfEDaVVnRu1TDGd4VqKRJiLsZA9nCS *) let source : Signature.Public_key_hash.t = public_key_hash
- Fee is the tokens to be paid for the block validation. Operations with
too low a fee can be ignored by validators. The optimal fee should be
calculated from the gas and storage usage. At this stage, since we do
not know the gas and storage usage, we use a fee arbitrarily:
(* 1 tez fee should be large enough for any origination *) let fee = from_Some @@ Tez_repr.of_mutez 1_000_000L
- To prevent the replay attacks,
each account has an integer counter. The operation must have the next
number of the current counter value of the source account. We perform
an RPC call to obtain the current counter of the source:
let counter = Json.get_z_exn @@ RPC.get (Printf.sprintf "/chains/main/blocks/head/context/contracts/%s/counter" (Signature.Public_key_hash.to_b58check public_key_hash))
Then we increment it and convert the type to
:let counter : Manager_counter_repr.t = from_Some @@ Manager_counter_repr.Internal_for_injection.of_string @@ Z.to_string @@ Z.succ counter
- We have already defined it above.
- An operation fails either if its gas consumption exceeds its gas limit
or its storage allocation exceeds its storage limit.
At this stage we have no idea how much they should be.
They will be decided from the result of the origination simulation.
They have the upper limits per operation and we can get them
by the following RPC calls:
% ./octez-client -E <NODE_URL> rpc get /chains/main/blocks/head/context/constants
{ .., "hard_gas_limit_per_operation": "1040000", .., "hard_storage_limit_per_operation": "60000", .. }
We can use these numbers for the simulation:
let gas_limit : Gas_limit_repr.Arith.integral = Gas_limit_repr.Arith.integral_of_int_exn 1_040_000 let storage_limit : Z.t = Z.of_int 60_000
Of course it is totally possible to get these values via RPC, instead of hard coding them.
Tezos operations can be combined into a group to make their execution atomic.
Type Operation_repr.contents_list
is for this grouping. Since we have
only 1 manager operation here, we simply use Single
If we need multiple operations executed at once, Cons
must be used instead:
let contents_list : _ Operation_repr.contents_list =
Single contents
A simulation RPC call checks the validity of operations and estimate the gas and storage usage. Here, we build the data for the simulation RPC and post it to get the cost estimations.
Data preparation
First, we make an Operation_repr.protocol_data
. This is a pair of
the contents_list
and a signature. A signature can be omitted here.
(Later at the injection, we must sign a fixed contents_list
with updated
gas and storage limits):
(* We need no signature for simulation *)
let protocol_data : _ Operation_repr.protocol_data =
{ contents = contents_list;
signature = None
Then we combine this protocol_data
with a shell header:
let packed_operation : Operation_repr.packed_operation =
{ shell= shell_header;
protocol_data= Operation_data protocol_data
When we send an operation to Tezos blockchain, we must declare the branch where the operation should be appended to. A blockchain is not a simple chain but have some conflicting branches when more than 1 child blocks are proposed at the same block level. But do not worry, the conflicts are quickly resolved by the branch selection agreement among the validators.
The branch for the operation should NOT be the latest head, but few blocks before it. It is because the latest head can be taken over by another block. Tezos now uses Tenderbake consensus algorithm with the deterministic finality where a block becomes final once it has 2 additional blocks on top of it.
We perform an RPC to get the block header of head~2
, the grand parent of the current head:
(* Branch: we must specify the branch where the operation should be
attached to. If we use the very [head], the operation is created
but it is unlikely taken into a block.
let header = RPC.get "/chains/main/blocks/head~2"
From this header we extract the following 3 information:
- The version of the protocol used for the opration. Precisely speaking, this value
can be different if a protocol change happens after
. But it is a rare event and the operation would be safely fail when it would happen.(* See Json module for (.%{}) notation *) let protocol = let open Json in get_string_exn header.%{"protocol"}
- It is a value to identify running chains. Currently we have only 1 chain, it is always the same:
let chain_id = let open Json in get_string_exn header.%{"chain_id"}
- The identifier of the branch:
let block_hash = let open Json in get_string_exn header.%{"hash"}
Now the branch block_hash
is known and we can build a packed operation:
let shell_header : Tezos_base.Operation.shell_header =
{ branch = Tezos_crypto.Hashed.Block_hash.of_b58check_exn block_hash }
let packed_operation : Operation_repr.packed_operation =
{ shell= shell_header;
protocol_data= Operation_data protocol_data
Simulation RPC
There is an RPC entry /chains/main/blocks/head/helpers/scripts/run_operation
to simulate an operation. Unfortunately it is not listed in the list of the RPCs
of the current protocol.
You can find the details in the protocol code.
It takes a JSON object of 2 fields, one is operation
and the other is chain_id
We make the object and post it to the RPC:
let operation_result =
let data =
let open Json in
(* proto_016_PtMumbai/lib_plugin/RPC.Scripts.run_operation *)
obj [ "operation", Json.construct Operation_repr.encoding packed_operation;
"chain_id", string chain_id
let resp =
Format.eprintf "@[<2>simulation result:@ %a@]@." Json.pp resp;
parse_result_contents resp
It returns a large JSON object of the simulation result. We extract the following information
from it using parse_result_contents
- The
address of the originated smart contract consumed_milligas
- The amount of the consumed gas, in milligases (= 1/1000 gas unit)
- Newly allocated storage size in bytes
Updating the limits and fee
From the cost estimation, we update the gas and storage limits for the injection.
Gas limit
The simulation returns consumed_milligas
in milligases. We use it for the gas limit
changing the unit to gas:
(* Let's add the buffer of 100 gas unit to the gas_limit *)
let gas_limit =
let open Z in
(Z.to_int (operation_result.consumed_milligas / ~$1000 + ~$100))
The actual gas used at the injection may vary from various reasons: the state of the source account may be different from one at the simulation because of transactions related with it. We add 100 more gas for the safety buffer.
Storage limit
It is pretty tricky but storage_size
is not immediately usable for the storage limit for the origination.
When a contract is originated, the protocol considers that 257 bytes more
are used for the storage space of the new contract.
This information can be obtained from the RPC get /chains/main/blocks/head/context/constants
% ./octez-client -E <NODE_URL> rpc get /chains/main/blocks/head/context/constants
{ ..,
"origination_size": 257,
.. }
For the storage limit we must include this bytes:
let storage_limit : Z.t =
let open Z in
operation_result.storage_size + ~$257
In order to make the operation included in a block by a validator, we must set an appropriate fee for it. A larger fee is safer but we want to save our expenses.
There may be generous validators which take operations with 0 fees, but there is a standard fee calculation in the protocol code for the client:
(* in nanotez: 10^{-9} tez *)
+ minimal_nanotez_per_gas_unit * gas
+ minimal_nanotez_per_byte * storage
The default values of these parameters are defined here:
default_minimal_fees = 100 mutez = 100_000 nanotez
default_minimal_nanotez_per_gas_unit = 100 nanotez
default_minimal_nanotez_per_byte = 1000 nanotez
From these parameters and the gas and storage limits, we can guess the minimal fee:
let minimal_fee_in_mutez =
let open Z in
+ default_minimal_nanotez_per_gas_unit * Gas_limit_repr.Arith.integral_to_z gas_limit
+ default_minimal_nanotez_per_byte * storage_limit
+ ~$999) / ~$1000
We add 10% for the safety:
let fee =
Tez_repr.of_mutez_exn Z.(to_int64 (minimal_fee_in_mutez + minimal_fee_in_mutez / ~$10))
(Note: I am not still very confident about this fee setting.)
With the updated limits and fee, we rebuild the contents_list
let contents : _ Operation_repr.contents =
Manager_operation {
fee; (* updated *)
gas_limit; (* updated *)
storage_limit; (* updated *)
let contents_list : _ Operation_repr.contents_list =
Single contents
Now we sign this operation with the source account’s private key.
First, we combine contents_list
with the shell_header
(* Using GADT to hide the parameter type *)
let packed_contents_list : Operation_repr.packed_contents_list =
Contents_list contents_list
(* This is the target of key signing *)
type unsigned_operation =
(Tezos_base.Operation.shell_header * Operation_repr.packed_contents_list)
let unsigned_operation : unsigned_operation =
(shell_header, packed_contents_list)
We encode this unsigned operation to a binary using
(* sign target *)
let unsigned_operation_bin =
In Tezos, we have a signing convention to prefix a “watermark” byte of 0x03
to the operation binary. The watermarks are defined at
(* When singing an operation, we need a prefix called watermark 0x03 *)
let sign =
~watermark:Signature.Generic_operation (* 0x03 *)
Preapplication (optional)
Preapplication is optional but good to see what will happen without injecting the operation. Unlike the simulation, the preapplication requires a real signature:
let sign_b58check = Signature.to_b58check sign
let preapplication_arg =
let open Json in
array [
obj [ "protocol" , string protocol
; "branch" , string block_hash
; "contents" , Json.construct Operation_repr.contents_list_encoding packed_contents_list
; "signature" , string sign_b58check
let () =
let resp =
~data: preapplication_arg
Format.eprintf "@[<2>preapplication_result:@ %a@]@." Json.pp resp
The injection RPC does not take JSON but raw data either in hex or binary.
The signed operation in this format is just a concatenation of the unsigned operation in binary and the signature:
let signed_operation_bin = unsigned_operation_bin (Signature.to_bytes sign)
We post this binary in hex to the RPC with ?chain=main
let () =
let resp =
~data: (Json.string (hex signed_operation_bin))
Format.eprintf "%a@." Json.pp resp
If the injection succeeds, we should see a hash of the injected operation, such as:
Wait and see the operation included in a block
We skip this final process in the example.
We monitor the incoming blocks following the branch block (head~2
and find one which contains the operation we have injected.
We call RPC get /chains/main/blocks/head/header
If it is a new block, then we scan it to its ancestors till
we reach a block we have already seen.
Thus we have the list of blocks after the branch to the current head.
We repeat this process periodically (do not spam the node too much!),
until we find the operation in one of the blocks.
If something goes wrong, if no validator takes the operation nto the block
due to too low fee for example, we will never find the operation
in the following blocks. We should need give up waiting after we do not find
the operation in too many block levels. In that case, we can inject another
operation with a higher fee. No worry of the double execution of the operations
as far as they use the same counter
values; only one of them can be taken into
the blockchain.
Some blockchains use the same hex representations for both secret and public keys. People sometimes misuse the keys. Accounts created using public keys of other accounts as secret keys were drained. ↩︎